3 essential painting techniques for artists

01 background music
Painting Techniques: Primer Works fine to thick, especially when slow drying paints are used
I never work with white when using oils or acrylics. Create a base coat in tan shadow or a blend of burnt sienna and ophthalmic blue to set the tone and value. Acrylic paints are probably the best medium at this point because they dry quickly and are permanent.

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Go from fine to coarse, especially if you are using a slow drying paint. Cannot work with wet and heavy paint. Work the same way up to the highlights and add the lightest (and usually heaviest) color last. Keep a roll of paper towels on hand to clean the brushes and remove excess paint.


02. Block
Painting Techniques: Types of Brushes Brushes come in different shapes and types of fibers
Brushes come in different shapes and with different types of fibers, all of which give very different results. The key is to try them all while you paint. The most versatile is a synthetic / sand mix; These brushes can be used with most types of paint. Brushes come in flat and round designs, and it's worth choosing between the two. For more information, check out our guide on choosing the right brush.

I work with a variety of brushes. For most of the first jobs, I use larger, flatter, and wider brushes. A hazelnut is a good general brush to lock in shape and color. It has a dual character and combines the aspects of flat and round brushes so that larger areas and details can be covered. I tend to use smaller brushes only towards the end of the painting process.

03. Build the texture
Painting Techniques - Texture Have a dry flat brush that you can use to blend and create smooth transitions
Use a flat, dry brush to blend your color and create smooth transitions. I really like textures and I like to see brush marks in my own work. Almost anything can be used to add texture to your painting. There are ready-made texturing media, but I've seen things like eggshells and sand that have been used to add interest to a painting.

One trick is to use an old toothbrush to spread paint over your image. This can be very effective in suggesting noise and sand.


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