10 Symptoms of a Damaged Sewer Pipe

In homes, due to the useful life of cast iron pipes, there is a great wave of problems with cast iron drain pipes. If cast iron drain pipes are 25 years or older, they can break at any time. Your drainage pipes can already be damaged by penetration of misaligned tree roots, cracks, pipes, or connections before the sewer pipe breaks completely. Don't let your pipes get to the point where they fail! Repairing a failed or collapsed sewer costs you much more than proactive maintenance and repairs. This article highlights 10 telltale symptoms that can worsen and eventually break your drain line.

1) Protection and blocking of wastewater Protection and protection of wastewater
Sanitary sewer fuses generally occur in the lowest open drain. Protection from sewage is generally caused by a blockage somewhere in the pipeline. If you find a fuse every time you rinse or run water from the sink or bathtub drain, the problem is probably in your main sewer, because all drains depend on the main sewer to 'drain properly. However, if backups are limited to one drain, your problem is probably limited to that drain.

Regular backups can be a symptom of broken or damaged sewer pipes.
If you regularly see stiffeners or blockages after cleaning the pipes, there may be a problem, for example, B. penetration of tree roots, channel formation, cracks allowing the surrounding soil to penetrate, or a misaligned pipe connection. These problems can be identified by video inspection of the sewer.

2) sewage gas odor sewage odor
If you can smell the waste gas in or around your home or building, it is a symptom of a crack somewhere in your sewer system. A culvert must be airtight everywhere, except for the vent chimneys on its roof, which allow the sewage to flow down. This means you should never smell the sewer smell unless there is a crack or opening in the sewer pipes.

3) Mold problems Sewage leaks cause mold
In addition to the sewage odor, mold growth can also be a sign of a break in the sewer pipes behind the walls. There are molds where humidity only needs to be above 55% to grow. With this in mind, a cracked sewer pipe behind a wall can raise the humidity to a point suitable for the appearance of a mold problem. If you notice mold in your home with a sewage smell, you may have a break in your sewer pipes.

4) slow drain
Slow drainage can be a symptom of constipation, which ultimately leads to protection from sewage. If your toilet, tub or sink continues to flow slowly after trying to erase the line, problems can occur, such as: B. Tree root penetration, channeling or cracks, which were mentioned earlier in the initial stages.

Note: Do not use chemical drain cleaners to correct slow drain or blockage. If the chemicals are in the pipeline, they will eat cast iron and / or PVC.

5) Extra green and lush spots on the grass
Detecting an additional lush green grass patch in your garden may be due to an underground sewage leak. Since the wastewater acts as a fertilizer for the vegetation, discharging its main pipeline into the surrounding soil gives the surrounding grass additional nutrients, giving it a lush and particularly green appearance.

6) Notch in grass or under road
Another symptom of a broken sewer pipe is a depression in your lawn or under cobblestones. A cracked sewer that constantly saturates the soil can cause it to dissolve. This can cause depression or a fall in the grass where your sewer pipe runs.

7) Foundation cracks, settlements and sinks
Channel leakage causes foundation problems
The most extreme symptoms of deterioration of sewage pipes include foundation problems, such as cracks in the foundation slab, foundation deposits, and in some cases, sinks.

If the main pipe under your plate has a leak that is not treated for a long period of time, a vacuum may form under the base or in the yard. This can lead to foundation problems, such as foundation cracks, settlement of your home or building, and possibly even a sink.

If your house or building is not on stilts and you notice any of the foundation problems mentioned above, a broken and leaking main culvert can help, and you should call a foundation repair specialist right away.

Here is an example of a cracked sewer causing a sink: sanitation broken due to a sink in Winston-Salem

8) Collection of septic tanks in the yard.
An obvious sign that you may have a broken sewer pipe is the accumulation of sewage in your garden. The problem may be a broken septic tank, clogged drain fields, or a broken main line. The problem area is often directly below the sewage basin.

9) rodent problem
Believe it or not, a rodent problem can be a sign of sewer failure. Rats live in sewers and can find their way from their city / main to the pipes behind their walls. A medium-sized rat may sneak through a crack or opening in its quarter-size (approximately 3/4 inch) culvert and invite you to dinner.

Rodents in sewers
Rodents are responsible for the spread of many deadly diseases, such as plague and hemorrhagic fever. Some diseases can be transmitted simply by inhaling dust contaminated with urine or rat droppings and bitten directly by an infected rodent.

If you have a persistent rodent problem that pest control tactics can't solve, try videotaping your sewer system to see if it has potential rodent entry points.

10) insect infestation
Insect infestation can also be a symptom of broken sewer lines. Insects like roaches, palmetto beetles, and sewage flies are much easier to enter your home through sanitary sewer cracks than rats. According to a reference paper, the little German cockroach can fit in a crack as fine as a crack in its pipes, while the largest American cockroach sneaks in a space no thicker than a quarter!

Roaches have many negative consequences for human health because certain proteins (called allergens) found in roaches, saliva, and certain parts of the body can cause allergic reactions or trigger asthma symptoms, especially in children.

If you regularly call a pest control company to get rid of the mistakes, the problem is temporarily resolved. However, if you have an endangered sewer, insects will never stop entering your home. You must go to your entry point, which can actually lead through a crack in the sewer pipes.


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